Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Intestinal Issues, Enjoyed having my "gran kitties"

          Well, you never know when it comes to health issues. Someone I know in her forties had a stroke the other day. The last time I was at the doctor it seemed my blood pressure was borderline high. I hope it doesn't continue that way, though it's likely as my father had high blood pressure many years. But, unlike me, he got his weight down to where he was very thin and lived a number of years like that (till last summer, when he passed on). We all wonder what exactly is coming next, but I 'm told by a very spiritual friend that the monarh (?) butterfly that flitted by me in October was his way of saying he was in a better place.
           A few weeks ago I had a pain in my side and thought it was intestinal blockage. That weekend oldest Son came for his cats. At his apartment they said he had to get rid of his gray and black kitties and he wasn't going to do it. So he brought them to our place to "cat sit" while he hoped they would inspect his apartment and say all clear. After a month they finally told him they were coming over on one particular day, and so they didn't see the kitties!
           I call them kitties but they are long and thin, the length of full grown cats, at least. The black male, Sirius, would come and stay on my lap over an hour at night as I watched TV. Jean, the gray one, would stay on my lap 20 seconds and jump off! She would also jump around if she bumped into something and knocked it down. They knocked over pictures, DVDs, and ran after things that rolled, from balls to spools to cat toys. They were entertaining, though cleaning their big litter box was not. The closest I am coming to grandchildren, it seems.
          Right after Zeb left I went to the doctor and found out that pain was from a pulled hip muscle. His prescription? Oh, pain medicine. Nothing about putting cold/ heat on it and easing into using it again. Typical doctor. I was also constipated. Took the "Miramax" 4 days and this week it seems to all be coming out! I hope I can be regular again. That stuff comes from petroleum (!) so it can't be too healthy, me thinks!
           While here I took Zeb to both the "peace garden" and nearby "Stadium Woods" of VA. Tech. They need to preserve that small woods. It has oaks in it that are maybe 300 years old, so old you can't put your arms around them!

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