Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mother Taken Care of Finally

     It's been a stressful several months. When you live a few thousand miles away from an elderly parent who is stubborn as all get-out, then you find yourself facing extreme circumstances -- such as her being homeless, of all things. She sold her little house for a song, my brother spent most of the money in 2 months, then they were bounced out of a few apartments because he didn't have the presence of mind to make certain the rent was paid! Really, could you be more incompetent (or was that money going toward Vegas gambling and spending way too much on food and other things, never living on a budget)?
     She is now in a group home. She says it is the "Howard Hughes Group Home" but I googled it and it wasn't found under that name. I hope my package of magazines reaches her because I believe I have the correct street address!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Weight Watchers is not easy

    I have started the "Weight Watchers" program but with any weight loss regimen, it can be hard to follow it all the time. The other day, for example, the hubby made the quick, simple meal of kielbasa with some fried up onions and peppers and potatoes. Well, they say in WW that you can eat all the vegetables and fruit you want. But not exactly.
    Potatoes, corn, and peas are not free. They have points. Yes, it has a point system and it emphasizes eating protein but you have to watch your meat. Lean chicken (no bone or skin) attached is only 2 points for three ounces. But kielbasa, three ounces of that is, over 10! If it's fat and greasy, you need to avoid it.
    So I am learning the points system. And they encourage you exercising. I think eventually, if you lose your intended weight then you can eventually swap out the exercise points for food points, or something on that order. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Challenges of Eldercare and health

     As you get older, sometimes you become part of the "sandwich generation," caring for your children while also worrying your elderly parents. For me, it is the "older" adults who are so darn childish. I have one parent left. She is a handful, and she is this way because my brother, who is on disability, is still financially dependent on her. And she's 95! One of these days, she won't be there. Then, what will Jay do?
    Jay, like other people with family members who are leeches, didn't pay the rent while my mother was in the hospital. She fell out of  bed, her leg got bloodied, but she didn't break a leg or suffer a heart attack. Amazingly, she is on insulin and eight medicines and can barely walk but keeps on going. She "should" be in a nursing home or assisted living. She refuses to leave her home for assisted care, refuses to move to the East coast where her daughters are, and refuses to leave her darling, perfect son.
   He's no darling. He has financially abused the family for years, gambling and spending her money and expecting everyone else to pay their bills. Walking around toothless and hopped up on pain killers, she prefers his care over mine, even though he recently smashed up the car and they have no funds left from the sale of the house.
   What can I do? She COULD go into  ADULT FOSTER CARE. Adult foster care is a "real" thing. It isn't just for kids. If you google "adult foster care" for your state you'd find a number you can call. For me, this will be a long road ahead. She believes he is an angel. My own mother-in-law was in adult foster care because she was turning into an alcoholic and couldn't be left alone after her husband died. There are possibilities out there and I am going to investigate!