Wednesday, November 4, 2015


 So I was all set with this idea of my somewhat autistic sister coming to live here. We had gotten her a tiny apartment, not much bigger than a motel room, and she said that was fine. I told her I was calling American Airlines about someone to help her around the airport and then she says my brother is and she can't go.
  My brother has not been well, physically or psychologically, for a very long time. He has a weird ailment, Morgelons, and he breaks out in rash and lashes out at people, threatening my sister. A few weeks ago he threatened to kill her if she didn't come to Virginia and he moved into an apartment with just my mother, as my mother had suddenly sold her home. She said she didn't want to keep asking family members for money for house expenses, but my brother (who relatives say) is abusing pain pills or gambling or worse, with at least some of the money.
    So I call and argue with them over the phone. She can't go, I have a rash, I don't feel good, she has to help Ma. And when was the last time Ma helped her? Oldest sister Roberta came and took care of basically 3 handicapped people for 7 months and basically had a nervous breakdown.
    But when your brother is in denial about his sad situation and wants to hold onto your handicapped sister, what are you going to do? I am disgusted with mother and brother both.

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