Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winter Cold, New Year's exercise resolution, got Lisa Whelchel exercise tape

   It appears that we are again going to miss having any real snowfall. I have to admit that that is a disadvantage to living in a valley, but you also avoid driving in precarious weather conditions.
    This time of year I have to admit I don't like the severe cold and winter whipping winds. The other day was a bit windy but we were somewhat shielded as we took a short trek over a tiny part of the frisbee golf course in the woods, behind the "mid county park" in Christiansburg. It'd rained and gee, it was a bit slippery and there seemed to be dried out old grape vines everywhere, along with some downed trees. But we got a little exercise going up and down then up a different part of the frisbee course behind the picnic shelter and pool area for this park. (And they call the pool area the 'frog pond'. Well, they have a big plastic frog slide for little kids, and the pond is actually the pool itself.)
    Speaking of exercising-- I hope to lose some weight this spring. To help me, I have purchased online the "Lisa Whelchel" exercise DVD. She was on TV's "Facts of Life" and "Survivor". She lost a lot of weight on Survivor and I think maybe she came up with this tape/dvd to help keep her weight off. The exercises she showed on "The Talk" didn't look hard so I hope I can do these regularly. I know that there are other exercise DVDs, but I haven't used one on a regular basis since Richard Simmon's "Sweating to the Oldies" on VHS cassette. I need to exercise at home as well as go to Curves and I hope this will do the trick. So many of these dvds require super stomach strength (having kids shot my stomach muscles to hell) so I bet this will be a helpful tape. Are there any other tapes for those who aren't that strong in the middle?

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