Saturday, September 10, 2011

Economics can hurt health

     My husband and I were at an "Acres of Democrats" meeting and he handed out some info he'd found out about the new healthcare bill Obama. The average citizen knows nothing about this healthcare bill. He "did" drop the public option, but the new bill is supposed to allow those with a precondition to qualify for health insurance, and allow children up to 25 or so to stay on their parents' policy. My son Daniel who had cancer, though, got a job at a hospital in Pittsburgh-- his insurance is much better than ours!
    My husband complains I do research online and am doing "self diagnosis" when it comes to health, but his insurance sucks. There is no doctor who isn't over an hour away I could go to, and even then there would be a deductible. So, yes, I self diagnosed myself to have too little iodine (they say having enough would help prevent breast cancer). So I ordered a bottle online. If I went to a doctor it'd probably be $100 for the visit and then, after that, more for tests. My husband went to his doctor for tests,the second time in a year, and his insurance won't pay for the lab work. We are NEVER out of medical debt! It disgusts me. In Canada I could have a thyroid/iodine test for nothing. In this country we have corporate welfare and too much spent on bombs and such. What about healthcare?

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