It is certainly easy to go off of a diet. I went to a meeting of the Beagle Ridge Master Naturalists, the first time in several months, and, of course, I had to try the desserts. Come on, I never make nice desserts at home with my gluten sensitivity. Sometimes it seems like I don't have a sensitivity and sometimes I do. I know bread is not good for me-- maybe I am allergic more to yeast than gluten. So I tried the cake with the maple flavoring inside, and also the bars that looked like they were part brownie and also the really good fruit salad.
And before the potluck I listened in on presentations by new members, about going organic and how to use 'black flies' for your compost heap. I didn't know anything about these flies, so that was interesting and the newer members were friendlier than the older ones.
And the car -- what a stupid, ridiculous expense! We get our son's old Chevy with 200,000 miles on it back on the road and have to take care of the shocks and the front end alignment and tires -- cost us $700. And then we spent $100 to see him and go to Virginia Beach, so it killed our savings. It's no fun being this poor.
I should probably go to the pharmacist/nu-
tritionist's place and not wait for her to send me the report on my hair sample. I probably have a lot of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Easy to do with today's manufactured and packaged food.
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