Is it just me or is this crazy weather a little bit, well, crazy? The other day tornadoes hit in Virginia and elsewhere and it is November, for pete's sake! When is the weather going to settle down, and I don't mean get down in the twenties, like they are predicting for tonight? Man, when is the weather going to be at least a little predictable? In the last 4 days we have had 70 degree weather during the day, then cooling rain, then it spitting snow flakes and freezing temperatures!
This isn't good for the planet OR the average person.
It is no wonder that I have a head cold. I exercised, (Sat. it was early) and now I have a full blown head cold. I was out in the cold temperatures. I did have a hat ( a French beret) on but I guess it wasn't heavy enough. And I just spoke with one of my students, who's thrown up and been sick for over a week. She came to the door in a pullover sweatshirt, no hat or gloves or real coat, it's 40 degrees out and she wonders why she's sick! I gave her extra time to work on her paper (nice me :).
I wish I were thinner as it would help keep cancer at bay. But I am taking Vit. D3 and I need to get some more iodine tablets. My body I know is deficient-- my hair is still thinning out, even after going off Femara, the anti-estrogen drug. Well, when I get that Jack LaLanne juicer I ordered in the mail I will do some serious juicing a few times a month. I need the extra nutrients a juicer would provide!